To preface my question, I am *not* talking about the 40 and over segment of our population, but instead possibly the 25 - 39 set. That said, I'll continue.
These folks are quick to embrace their cellular phones, podcasts, business productivity applications, blogging and other hip technologies when it suits them.
Yet they look down upon their slightly younger (and sometimes their direct age cohorts) when it comes to the fun side of the internet - instant messaging and social networking.
What's so wrong with it, anyways?
Their main argument is that it's "all so immature". Over and over I hear only that objection, but few others.
Get over it.
These medium can be an excellent tool for productivity, because it seems that's all you care about. It isn't just the realm of teenagers anymore, but a widely accepted form of contact and collaboration.
It can help you get in touch with friends. You had them once, remember? Back in the hazy mists of time, before you stepped into that cubicle.
Why do so many older adults look down upon IM, texting,Social Networking sites and other related technologies?myspace jokes
The problem is that some people see social networking and instant messaging as replacements for, rather than supplements to, real-life interaction. Also, much of the 25-39 sector that you seem to be criticizing is too busy with actually earning a living to be concerned about the "fun" aspects of IM and social networking.
Even though IM and SN have their advantages for business exchanges and spreading new ideas, some use it merely for trivial purposes instead of useful, productive activity. For the average teenager, it's all fun and games. That is where their beef lies. Then again, it's the same with any new technology that comes out on the market.
Why do so many older adults look down upon IM, texting,Social Networking sites and other related technologies?how to view private myspace
I'm 31 and I have no problem with it. I myself use text messaging and IMs a large portion of the time.
I think a lot of people feel that way, not because it's 'immature', but because it takes away from conventional methods of communication, like having a good old fashioned face to face talk, writing a letter or even using the phone at home (NOT a cell).
I don't have a problem with any of these, as long as there's a happy balance between all ways of communication.
Because your nothing but a bunch of young " HOOLAGINS" thats why!!
When I was your age we had to use a piece of paper to communicate, And an abucus to calculate.
well how many are you talking about because I am in that age range that you questioning and I IM and social network for fun. I don't know anyone my age that looks down on it except those who are not technologically inclined therefore feel left out b/c they don't know how to navigate the site/systems. The only thing I hate is when adults let children under I would say 13 or 14 go to places like YA! and not monitor them. That I can't stand. But I really doubt that there are many ppl my age that really "look down" as you say, it's probably a few that you are speaking of and 9 out of 10 times they are apart of the technologically challenged therefore feel the need to put you down.
It doesn't bother me. But other people might think of them as a substitute for passing notes in class, which is distracting and unproductive. Just that simple.
Look at the criticisms of myspace link below, and look up instant gratification.
well personally i think when you are responsible for others (lives and income of others) it is easy to be critical of pass times of others. im interrupts what possibly is a more important message or undertaking.enjoy your youth forget everyone Else's hang ups(i know it isn't the 70s anymore) well i gotta get back to work now
I don't care what people do. It isn't any of my business. And I don't assume that anyone is immature simply because they IM, text message, or participate on social networking sites. It's a ridiculous generalization; and, frankly, I think making such an absurd generalization is a sign of immaturity. (Quite hypocritical.)
That being said, there are two things that do irritate me-
1) Trying to read chicken scratch like this, for example:
|-|ii, |-|0w r y0o 2dae? 1m 0|-| kAyy buuuuT 0M9 Ma|-| b0ii fri3nd 9oT t0taLLy s1ck%26amp;%26amp; i |-|Ad 2 tAk3 |-|iM 2 dA |-|osp1taL!!:-((( ii ? Ma|-| BF %26amp;%26amp; 1m s00000 w0rr13D %26lt;33333!!
2) Talking to someone who speaks "IM language". I don't have every damned acronym committed to memory.
Anyway, while I find the above to be quite annoying, I don't mistreat anyone. I just give up trying to read certain things and trying to speak with certain people.
In case you're curious- I'm 31.
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