Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sims Castaway (PC) help--social networking chapter, think I messed up.?

Hi. Haven't found any posts about this, hoping someone can help. I'm in the social networking chapter and am unable to complete the goal of lighting the trash pit fires to befriend one of the four peeps. . . I burned them up some time earlier before the quest was opened. I can't finish the goal without lighting the trash pits, so what do I do?? I've tried befriending through regular means (talk, play, entertain, etc), but no go. Help, please. I'm willing to replay from an earlier chapter as well if someone knows how to go about doing that. Thanks!!

Sims Castaway (PC) help--social networking chapter, think I messed up.?myspace commentes

Hmmm. I really don't know. I mean, there are a lot of theories I've heard from other people that you have to get relations with the other sim up to 50, and then you don't have to do their little task, but I haven't tried that. Try to get a 50 or more, preferable build relations to where you two become friends. If that fails, and you can't get passed it, and you have already saved since you made the mistake, you will have to restart your game, by creating a new profile on the main page and everything. The game developers obviously didn't think that glitch through.

Also, if you DO restart, it won't take you long to get to where you are now, being that you already knows whats going on, and what to do. I played story mode a second time in about 2 hours...

Hope that helps! :)

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