Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Are social networking websites damaging youth's health?

Health no maybe there well being! With all the creeps online!

Are social networking websites damaging youth's health?myspace.com pets

No. Except maybe constant staring to the screen - it might be bad for eyes.

What is the most popular social networking website in Malaysia to be part of ?

There are many social networking websites, i.e. Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, its just that am wondering which one serves you the best and why?

What is the most popular social networking website in Malaysia to be part of ?tiny myspace

Myspace is better than the rest you mentioned. It's fast and user friendly. You can also find a lot of Malaysians there.

There's also one website made by Malaysian, but it is in Malay language, called Myrakan.com.

Are social networking sites dangerous ?

As long as you are careful about who you associate it with I don't think so. I used to be part of facebook, but I quit my membership because I hardly go to it. I liked facebook because it's easier to use than Myspace.

Is there room for another social networking site?

I have a friend who is spending a fortune develop a new social networking site. He's attitude is there is always room in the market but I'm not so sure? I know people want something new and sometimes some of the sites becuase they are so big not don' really have that personal touch. You know that saying 15mins of fame or 1 gig of privacy?...Your thoughts are welcome :-)

Is there room for another social networking site?cute myspace

Nope. New social networking sites have done their "3 months" are now suffering at staggering money losses (server costs, traffic, bandwidth, no advertisments to offset costs)

these type of things are "fads" and as with every fad, they are good for a short time and fade away. Unless you have a major media advertising back up (ie myspace is owned by Fox) he will be SOL.

Is there room for another social networking site?custom myspace myspace.com

I would say yes and no.

If he has a new spin on it, yes. For example supporttube.com is a new spin on youtube.com.
sure theres room, as long as it offers something new and is done well.

im not a big fan of myspace, it seems full of goths to me. i would join one where rock music was not allowed.... but thats just me bieng fussy.
Of course there's room, it would need something original going for it to make it stand out and last.

How do I get the text code of a Registered mark for my social networking site?

I wanted to put a Registered mark for my social networking site.But I only need the text code.THANKS A LOT!!!!

How do I get the text code of a Registered mark for my social networking site?maps myspace.com

%26amp; reg;

Remove the space



%26amp; trade; %26amp; copy;

? ?

How do I get the text code of a Registered mark for my social networking site?myspace graphics myspace.com


Here's a site that has a lot of information like this:


My husband is really into social networking sites...?

He has pages on myspace, facebook, facebox, tagged, Hi5, ringo, and amigos.com, he spends a LOT of time looking at pictures of other people. Some are just random people but most of the pictures are really pretty 18-yr old girls posing coquettishly for the camera. Also he emails them, leaves messages on their blogs, is in chatrooms, and they IM each other. Keep in mind these are girls he has never met in real life and says he has no intention of ever meeting, they are just "online friends". I am just horribly jealous, I don't know what to think he insists it's just a way to pass the time and kill boredom. He has been working sporadically, he will work a few days then have a few days off. On his days off, I find out that he just surfs these "social networking" sites all day instead of doing something productive like small repairs around the house or helping me with the household chores. What do you think, am I overreacting? is it just a harmless male thing or is it infidelity?

My husband is really into social networking sites...?myspace background

What your husband is doing is sick. Yes it is infidelity. I say, kick him out. How do you know he never meets them? On line friends my you know what. If my husband did that, I would be at the lumber yard looking for a two by four to bust over his head (don't do this) and would then call the cops on him (how does he know the girls are 18) and then take him for every dime he had. This is "fun"? How old is this guy? If he wants to kill boredom he can help you around the house, play golf, get involved in a community service group, there are tons of things. This is just too wierd. I would lose any interest in a guy that did this. Ask his Mom if she thinks it is infedelity. If he gets angry that you did, then you know he knows it is wrong. If he doesn't know it is wrong then something is wrong with him, if he knows it is wrong and does it anyway, he is what is known as a sociopath.

My husband is really into social networking sites...?flash myspace myspace.com

Yes you are its all fun so give the guy a break.
something he enjoys to do with his time. a way to get away from society temporarly and relax. have a good time.
I don't think your overreacting at all. I would be very upset if it were my husband doing this. Have you tried to ask him why he feels the need to look for these other women to socialize with? That might be a good place to start. Good Luck to you. I hope everything works out OK!
I use to think that it was all innocent, no big deal, it's just a computer. Until the nights got longer the time we spent together shorter. Then one day I was looking for a sight that I was on something to do with my kids and boom. Somehow a conversation that he had with a women was saved. Now he could have intentionally done that. Who knows. In my case it was more than just casual conversation. Just be careful and keep your guard up. We are divorced now and he is with the girl from the Internet. Good luck. Please don't let this scare you. I don't know what kind of relationship y'all have. I just know the Internet can be a really good thing and a really bad one. Take care and good luck to you. I wish you the best.
If you feel that your marriage is in jeopardy because of his actions, you need to tell him how you feel. Come right and tell him how you feel and that you wish he would stop. Sometimes I don't think men take our "subtle" hints of us wanting them NOT to do something. IF he continues to do this, ask for marriage counseling. I am also an avid Myspace %26amp; Myyearbook person - and I am in a longterm relationship...but I do post that I am in a relationship and only looking for friendship and pen pals. Does he state that he is single? IF so, that is a red alert that something needs to be done. If not, he could just be harmlessly "flirting" with others - knowing that they are "unobtainable".. Maybe just a fantasy! Let me know how it affects you! Hang in there!
I don't think I would like it if my husband was emailing 18 year old girls. And if he is just bored and looking for friends, why not chat with guys as well? Some questions to ponder and I would continue to talk to him about it. It just doesn't make sense to me at all.
You are not overreacting. Your marriage has some issues (no offense, all marriages do).

I would suggest marriage counseling. Not all counselors are good. If you go to one and you think they might be bad, then they probably are.

There are plenty of more healthy ways for your husband to cure his boredom. How about you two do some new hobbies together? Good luck. It isn't the end of the world or your marriage.

But, if he is not receptive to changing this habit, you have some choices to make.
...it's harmless. If you want to him to know it bothers you, just do the same %26amp; make him jealous.......you can start by emailing me...lol...!! ..(seriously, you can email me anytime)... - Bruce
Get rid of him, he is a pig!
Ewww, not cool. You are not overreacting. Boredom can be the Devil's playground, so he needs to find a new hobby. This is something you definitely should address. Anything that your husband is doing that could affect your relationship in a negative way should be avoided at all costs. Good for you for recognizing that this is a problem, and for wanting to do something about it. Stick to your guns girl!
It is a problem that is becoming rampant these days and has caused much hurt among spouses.

In this case, he is not yet addicted but definitely there are seeds to addiction. For the moment they are just probably meeting a "need" like he says, it's boredom. Or perhaps, it is more than that. But fantasies on the net is not easy for you to compete with.

It is probably time that you have an honest talk with him. At the same time, explore with him the possibility of other activities you can both do together so he is less "bored".

In case you find he is also into porn, there is a good book you can read. "End Porn Addiction"

UK Government Plans To Monitor Social Networking Sites And Forums...?

There was a small piece in today's Metro or London Lite (not sure which) about Government plans to set up a new department which will be tasked specifically with monitoring internet websites such as Facebook and other social networking sites (this one will probably be included) in order to 'ascertain what people are saying' and to adjust policy accordingly. Can anyone find me a link? And, do you think this is a good idea, or another sinister move? Would you feel comfortable giving your honest views on Government if you knew the Government where actually reading them and compiling data based on your views?

UK Government Plans To Monitor Social Networking Sites And Forums...?celeb myspace

They are running out of ideas on how to snoop on us, and control us yet more. This government has done more to bring in a `Big Brother` State than anyone....and they haven`t finished yet by a long way.

UK Government Plans To Monitor Social Networking Sites And Forums...?myspace quiz myspace.com

April Fools has gone surely..
If it could change things for the better it is a good thing, but somehow I don't believe the information they would get would be used for purposes of improving the lives of the people in the UK.
It really wouldn't bother me if they did or not.
Another example of Bushit/Blair totalitarianism,a bad idea
At least they would be listening. I know some one who has a Facebook for their Cat though, so they may be thrown off course a tad if they rely on all they read.

What a great Government Job, getting to hang out on Facebook and not getting the sack for wasting the firms time. I shall be checking the job section and applying for a Job on that task force.
Its media lies, believe me if this was gonna happen itd be over the proper papers (i.e. guardian, independent)
Policy will not be adjusted according to what we say. What made you say that?

Would I feel comfortable?

There is a standing invitation for any of my representatives to come by my house anytime to here my views.

I doubt anyone will show up.
Do you think this has started just now what you like, what's happened now is it legal to monitor social movement eg; internet, phone, etc.

So now you can be taken to court, where before you could not be taken to court under privy laws, can you not see that you are losing all your rights.
Dictatorship, not Democracy rules the UK. Fascism at it's greatest under Herr Brown.

hijack this